Immoderate Musings;
Quibblesome Quarrels;
Risible Rhapsodies on
Music and Morals

David Van Alstyne

Verses 105 - 144

110 / 120 / 130 / 140
PAGE 1 / PAGE 2 / PAGE 4 / PAGE 5 / PAGE 6

105) dredging the depths of this cockeyed conundrum as if to
fathom the amorphous nebulosity by impetration, feeling
gobsmacked, clobbered and left almost without words in a
dumbfounded conniption of incredulous consternation,
106) so snowed and buffaloed and hunkering head down in a
pungent putrescence, a cowering sequestration from the
reek and the stench, the olfactory violation, of this
benighting, but emphatically beloved, abomination
107) must, with sheepish contrition, confess that even
I get corrupted by the whole ungodly mess when
acceding to the pleasingly hypnagogic seduction, the
ubiquitous snare, of vernacular acculturation
108) tumbling headstrong, headlong into the trap, being
nabbed, nailed, busted, tricked, totally tackled and taken
by the
bewiching temptation of slumming sedation and
far too pragmatically entrancing transmigration
109) no matter the instrument, voice or venue,
far too many a classical music consarcination, to the
audience, must seem like a cause for reparation; an
ugsome happening of de facto incarceration
where, as
110) if they all had wanted to spend their money on the rare privilege of
attending forced detention in a hostage situation, they
gradually start to notice feeling bruised and beleaguered:
mired in a drowsy morass of discombobulation
111) dampens their dander down to distress and discomfiture which
then descends to the very ends of squirming discountenance while their
disconcerted disquietude still further deliquesces down to
points past the discipline of stoic desperation
and thus a
112) tryingly outré, auditively ataractic ordeal (at
very best, a sour hour of dour disconsolation) finally
devolves into a smelter of unendurable adversity; a
truly morphinic abyss of such eroded conation
that when the
113) dustup, the slugfest, the motley melismatic melee, the
maelstrom of musical mayhem
, mercifully melts (and the
storm subsides and lo, the ructions retreat, then
behold, and listen! a bucolic bombination,
114) efflux of anarchy, upheaval and seige; a
pacific solatium; an arcadian vacation (as a
matter of fact, it's really nothing much more than a strangely
stertorous sort of quietly murmuring susurration
from a
115) soothing surfeit, a sweet anxiolytic desert, of
understandably escapist rest and attempted relaxation
) now
rises up, all too readily arousing a reformative rush of
pride-impairing, richly rubefacient realization

that by
116) some sort of seriocomically soporific snafu, in
truth, the timely anodyne of symphonic etherization, they are
all gently lulled into a suitably semblable senectitude,
all lost in their private idylls of languid nutation,
117) brings us forthwith, at last well past the cast for
futzing in folderol or fudging in hesitation
, to the
gist and the grist of this excursive disquisition; this
modestly poetic proposal imploring for rule and regulation
that we
118) abandon our bewitchingly perfunctory picks and preferences like
languishing in lethargically phlegmatic procrastination
taking the first small steps toward redemptive obviation of
such distressing practices in our cold cultural sublation

119) bravely essaying our way past a plodding modality, a
paltry, poky, merely hypothetical formulation of
rambling, probatorily irrelevant research
, into the
actual clinical trial, by direct implementation,
120) admittedly on the fringe, and if in more than a few tiny ways,
well okay, I guess a little radically avant-garde if you must, and
yes, even conceivably a bit impractically unlikely, but
nonetheless compulsively fastidious, experimentation

with the
121) pre-emptive disbursement of minor medical assistance from
, (yes, in very deed! the nutritive application, by
hugger-muggerly surreptitious supply and administration: the
addition of strategic pharmaceutical invigoration),
that is,
122) little measured morsels of modern molecular design,
offered always sub rosa with judicious synchronization, namely,
quietly handed out concomitantly with the printed playbill: that
usual glossy fare of basic program information
at least
123) depending on the music, at carefully chosen concerts their,
(although always generously complimentary, but of course, yet
still, always by all means otherwise, wisely discretionary)
stringless gift, issuance and free dissemination

for the
124) fostering of fine, friendly philophonetic fellowship through
high giddy games of glad-handing and phatic persiflage
, if
not the sharpening of judgment, as well, by the nascence of
knowledgeability in matters of music appreciation

125) seriously for a moment, to suggest any less questionable
premise for culminant cultural convocation
, and a
bit more enticing to those few among us of a
little less certifiably frivolous inclination
126) hereby dare to propose a probably improbable but
contradistinctively responsible recommendation
; a
felicitous phantasm which certainly embodies much more
intriguingly sound and salubrious innovation

127) strictly exogenous and therefore assuredly more
deeply satisfying and acceptably accessible
less evanescent and much more achievably
comprehensible transports of innocent excitation
128) much better maneuver; a much more tenable tack
plainly more propitiously propped up with promise for an
independent, sempiternally replenishable plenitude of
pluripotently multiplicative perceptual augmentation
namely, with
129) clear, clarion clamor and cultured conspicuity, our
assiduous avowal and our adamant acclamation of
intrepid, perennially saponaceous expurgation by our
climbing up the cuspate acclivity toward acclimatization
to the
130) altitude of altogether cleansing oblation by
completly repenting unto reboant repudiation of the
discredited and crumbling credo of hackneyed acting and
ancillary hebephrenically foppish affectation;
131) crusade for unobstructed interpretive crystallization with
such newly higher levels of astute differentiation as can
only hope to be heard in the eventual finalization of
all our keenly perspicacious care and preparation;
132) dependably true and ever faithful reflection of
refractive reverence in the abiding gestation
of its
sublime and supernally incandescent new powers of
lift, levitation and empyrean edification
by the
133) aerial ascendency of our hotly addressing the
amendatory alembic of ample amelioration
through a
rough, rugged and roundly renovative revolution of
rescission, rejection and raw renunciation
134) all things found to be hypocritically invested with an
aura that darkly disinclines to discernment, more
fully comprehended in hindsight's so conveniently
clean and coldly clarifying confirmation
of the
135) axiomatic prototype; the surprising peak specimen of
epitomic, extravagantly eximious exemplification; a
life-changing lesson in radiant perceptivity;
inimitable as an instrumental agent of illustration
136) renders an unpalatably bleak, brambly bromide out of
any slam-dunk misapprehensive supererogation of
conjecturally extrapolatory exertion in the epexegetical
exercise of extemporaneous epistemological expatiation
137) less than an archtypically stellar luminosity; a
functional laser lamp of inductive interpretation; a
decidedly definitive (if dreary) delamination of
apically appointed pertinence in the empirical indagation

of this
138) superveniently garish glut of gewgaws and pop slop:
tidal waves of hog wash, hieratic hot beans and baloney, with the
stress and traumatization of its thorough assimilation in what
stubbornly seems to be our insuperable solicitation
of the
139) beguiling but also, remember, begriming and bestially
inundation and throbbing saturation of
so much corrosive and corruptingly invasive
license in a soup of unfiltered sensualization

140) favor of, (albeit, if only as far as it goes for the hoi polloi -
that is, as they say, your right regular rummy rabble and riffraff -
somehow less appreciable, yet no less elysian)
in what ought to be realms of revelation
141) which, for all their far surpassing infinitude of
ineffably blissful and blessing beautification
, we
still seem to sink to wink at seeking a mephitic stink of
droning, ham-fisted, supraliminal unsubtilization

(in a
142) great gonzo Gehenna of gullibly green gulosity and
Sisyphean toil well embroidered, just for show of
competitive servility
, where heaving thespian sighs brings forth
great big globular beads of synthetic perspiration)
143) unbudgeably indulging ourselves in all the engrossments of
entropic indolence and myopic amentia while
really raddled, self-bilked and insouciantly soused in a
summative stupefaction that harbors hebetation
ever an
144) irredeemably uncouth, well-knockably hidebound,
imperviously wayward, obscurely synergic,
obstinately xylocephalic, doubtlessly obtuse and
(apologies to sheep) ovine order of aspiration.


dredging the depths of this cockeyed conundrum - getting right to the bottom of this goofy mess
fathom the amorphous nebulosity by impetration - to figure out, simply by asking, what no one has ever been able to figure out simply by thinking
gobsmacked - smacked in your face with quantity of gob; smacked in your gob with an oversized anchovie; utterly astounded or astonished
dumbfounded conniption of incredulous consternation - a fit of hysterical excitement where you nearly faint from surprise and disbelief (like when your son drops out of Harvard Medical School to become a human canonball in the circus)
(back to verse 105)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
so snowed and buffaloed - deceived and bamboozled
hunkering head down in a pungent putrescence, a cowering sequestration from the reek and the stench, the olfactory violation, of this benighting, but emphatically beloved, abomination - settling into something that really stinks, as a way of avoiding something even more stinky which is almost universally embraced (like voting for a presidential candidate you can't stand because the other one is even more morally depraved, which makes him or her very popular)
(back to verse 106)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
sheepish contrition - where you humbly lower your head and say "Ba-a-a-ah!" as a way of expressing how sorry you are for what you did
acceding to the pleasingly hypnagogic seduction - letting yourself become hypnotized into doing things that you would never do otherwise, but you have to admit, they feel very good
ubiquitous snare - a trap that is everywhere
vernacular acculturation - becoming just like everyone else in your group
(back to verse 107)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
tumbling headstrong, headlong into the trap - falling for the bait
being nabbed, nailed, busted, tricked, totally tackled and taken - it means you've been had; they got you
bewiching temptation of slumming sedation - an enchanting persuasion to dull your senses in order to live far beneath your dignity
far too pragmatically entrancing transmigration - when killing yourself looks like a much better idea before you do it than it does after you've finished
(back to verse 108)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
no matter the instrument, voice or venue - you choose the weapon and the place
classical music consarcination - where you patiently sit in the audience while the musicians play a patchwork of notes that sound better if you are deaf, and hardly deserve to be called "classical," where the perpetrators dress up in tuxedos and gowns, and the audience has to be polite and refrain from yelling, booing, and throwing things until the noise on stage is over
cause for reparation - a good reason for demanding money from whoever did this, to cover the your costs of property damage, bail, lawyers' fees, psychiatric therapy, the price of a new suit because the blood wouldn't come out, and punitive damages to soften your determination to kill yourself
ugsome happening - a frightful event, like a 12-hour heavy metal recital loud enough to kill the birds flying nearby, or a Beethoven string quartet transcribed for bagpipes, where you react by saying "Ugh!"
de facto incarceration - annoyingly similar to being locked up in jail
(back to verse 109)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
attending forced detention in a hostage situation - where you come to be entertained, and find that armed guards are blocking the exits
bruised and beleaguered - how you might feel after they pull you out of the cement mixer into which your mother-in-law "accidentally" pushed you
mired in a drowsy morass of discombobulation - how you feel from the time you get up in the morning until lunch the next day, because you accidentally took sleeping pills instead of aspirin for your headache
(back to verse 110)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
dampens their dander down to distress and discomfiture - calms them down from their murderous rage to just being confused and embarrassed
descends to the very ends of squirming discountenance - their disapproval gets so intense that they look like they're trying to reach for their guns under the table
disconcerted disquietude still further deliquesces down to points past the discipline of stoic desperation - where you jump up and start yelling "I'm mad as Hell (or Hades if you prefer) and I'm not going to take it any more!!" or "ALLAHU AKBAR!!!" depending on your religious faith
(back to verse 111)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
tryingly outré - when someone's weirdness makes you start to wonder just how bad it could really be to spend the rest of your life in prison for murder
auditively ataractic ordeal - where the music you are hearing puts you into a virtual coma, for which you should be grateful
dour disconsolation - when nothing, not even feeling bad, can make you feel better
devolves into a smelter of unendurable adversity - when life seems to become a firey furnace that you wish would just consume you and get it over with (but don't worry, the school bell will ring soon and you can go home and run in the sprinklers)
truly morphinic abyss of such eroded conation - where you're drugged into such a stupor that you begin thinking it would be good for the country if you were elected to congress
(back to verse 112)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
dustup, the slugfest, the motley melismatic melee, the maelstrom of musical mayhem - describes an orchestra rehearsal when everyone in the room thinks the person next to them is playing out of tune, so in frustration they finally start to hit each other over the head with their instruments
ructions retreat - they get tired of hitting each other over the head with their instruments, and besides, there is nothing left of their instruments anyway (this is how some orchestras go out of business due to financial problems, but they don't tell you it's because they can't afford to buy everybody new instruments to replace the ones they beat each other over their heads with)
bucolic bombination - sounds like the peaceful hum of life way off in yonder countryside
(back to verse 113)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
efflux of anarchy, upheaval and seige - what is left of the stage after a "classical" concert featuring "modern" music
pacific solatium - a state of calm, compensating, to the extent that you can be calm after an experience like that, for all the emotional harm you suffered
arcadian vacation - where you trade what you're supposed to be doing for a passing fantasy of innocent contentment
stertorous sort of quietly murmuring susurration - where you think all the people in the audience are rudely whispering, but actually they're snoring
(back to verse 114)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
soothing surfeit, a sweet anxiolytic desert, of understandably escapist rest and attempted relaxation - like bathing in a big tub of your favorite pudding, set on the glass-floor of a grass hut perched on stilts over the warm crystal waters of the South Pacific
reformative rush of pride-impairing, richly rubefacient realization - the shock of reality slapping you in your proverbial face, leaving your real face blushing red with embarrassment
(back to verse 115)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
seriocomically soporific snafu - a big mess that has you laughing and crying at the same time until you're so confused you fall alseep
timely anodyne of symphonic etherization - where the music is so bad that it makes you numb, mercifully relieving the pain that it's causing you
suitably semblable senectitude - looking and acting like you are 107 years old, give or take
private idylls of languid nutation - the dreams we enjoy as we nod off to sleep
(back to verse 116)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
forthwith - immediately if not sooner, quicker than threethwith
well past the cast for futzing in folderol or fudging in hesitation - too late for fooling around just so you can avoid the subject at hand
gist and the grist of this excursive disquisition - the main point of this discussion which has now gone completely off track
modestly poetic proposal imploring for rule and regulation - a humble request for a few guidelines (just enough to keep the inmates from running the asylum)
(back to verse 117)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
abandon our bewitchingly perfunctory picks and preferences like languishing in lethargically phlegmatic procrastination - break the habit of waiting to feel bright and perky before we're willing to get up and do something
redemptive obviation of such distressing practices in our cold cultural sublation - where we keep our souls by quitting our socially desirable attempts to deny the existence of uplifting, stimulating and beautiful things around us
(back to verse 118)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
bravely essaying our way past a plodding modality - where we risk being greeted by our friends with assault and battery when we keep refusing to trudge with them through their slow and laborious but otherwise tiresome and ineffective ways of doing things
paltry, poky, merely hypothetical formulation of rambling, probatorily irrelevant research - studying, with very little concentration, ideas that have nothing to do with the pressing questions at hand, also refered to as "thinking outside the box"
clinical trial, by direct implementation - where you conduct research on something by actually trying it out
(back to verse 119)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
admittedly on the fringe - okay, so maybe it does seem to come from one of the moons of Jupiter
a little radically avant-garde - at the very forefront of progress (or the forefront of nonsense if you are able to recognize the difference)
a bit impractically unlikely, but nonetheless compulsively fastidious, experimentation - although your research is highly unpromising due to its excessive goofiness, it is nevertheless an extremely clean and careful process of trial and error, and causes relatively few deaths
(back to verse 120)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
pre-emptive disbursement of minor medical assistance from amphetamines - where, to prevent a general sleep-in, you give the audience a little "medicine" as they enter the theater, to help them stay awake
nutritive application - putting it to work either by eating it or injecting it directly into the blood stream
hugger-muggerly surreptitious - secretive
addition of strategic pharmaceutical invigoration - where you give the audience drugs that will make them willing, or too impaired to feel otherwise, to remain alive at least until the concert is over
(back to verse 121)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
little measured morsels of modern molecular design - cute little pills made up of even cuter molecules
always sub rosa with judicious synchronization - where you bring things together, always with very careful timing so that no one notices
concomitantly with the printed playbill - right along with the printed program which they put into your hands
(back to verse 122)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
generously complimentary, of course, yet still, always by all means otherwise, wisely discretionary stringless gift, issuance and free dissemination - where it's very nice of them to give you all this for free, especially when they have to hope they don't get caught
(back to verse 123)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
fostering of fine, friendly philophonetic fellowship through high giddy games of glad-handing and phatic persiflage - increasing the level of good will by getting everyone drunk enough to shake each other’s hands and engage in meaningless conversation without breaking into fistfights again
nascence of knowledgeability in matters of music appreciation - the very beginnings of actually knowing something about music
(back to verse 124)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
less questionable premise for culminant cultural convocation - methods for building an audience that are actually good for the audience without being fattening or illegal
those few among us of a little less certifiably frivolous inclination - we who aren't quite as flaky as the rest of you
(back to verse 125)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
probably improbable but contradistinctively responsible recommendation - an idea that isn't quite so crazy even though it still doesn't work (as opposed to most ideas, which really are crazy, but also don't work)
felicitous phantasm - a pleasant dream ("Good night. Have felicitous phantasms.")
embodies much more intriguingly sound and salubrious innovation - brings changes that are far more sensible and better for your health
(back to verse 126)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
strictly exogenous - from outside of you, and not related to the temporary hormonal content of your blood (new ideas that do not make us require you to have a blood test)
assuredly more deeply satisfying and acceptably accessible - certainly feels a lot better, and you can get it without ruining everything else in your life
less evanescent - lasts longer
achievably comprehensible transports of innocent excitation - acceptable ways to get excited without crippling yourself, loosing your mind or breaking the law
(back to verse 127)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
much better maneuver - a smart move, finally
much more tenable tack - finally a method that won't make your brain explode
more propitiously propped up with promise - something you can more easily count on than all the other things
independent - where you don't need any artificial help, thank you
sempiternally replenishable - you will never run out
plenitude of pluripotently multiplicative perceptual augmentation - a whole world of great ideas and new ways of thinking; something that blows your mind
(back to verse 128)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
clarion clamor - a loud noise that nobody can miss, or misunderstand (like a percussionist dropping a large crash-cymbal on the cement floor of the orchestra pit at the exact moment the Lilac Fairy is quietly putting everyone to sleep for one hundred years during the ballet "Sleeping Beauty")
cultured conspicuity - purposely making yourself very noticeable (like standing up in the middle of a church service and playing the bagpipes, or inhaling helium before reading a news story on national tevision about a disgruntled employee burning down of an orphanage in Florida)
assiduous avowal and adamant acclamation - where you do all you can to demonstrate how wildly in favor you are of something
intrepid - fearless; opposite of outtrepid
perennially saponaceous expurgation - the unending effect of moral cleansing, especially when accomplished with soap (not suggesting that you pour a box of laundry detergent into the water when you are baptised because that misses the point, but rather like when your mother washes your mouth out with a bar of soap after you've uttered some poorly chosen words at your brother, forgetting that she was standing right between you and could hear every illchosen syllable)
climbing up the cuspate acclivity toward acclimatization - where you visciously claw your way up to the top where you can comfortably join the other viscious people in peace and love
(back to verse 129)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
altitude of altogether cleansing oblation - the spiritual heights of cleansing your soul through worshipful offerings (more pleasantly effective than soap)
reboant repudiation - your rejection of something, meant to loudly reverberate as if you are yelling at the top of your lungs inside an empty Westminster Abbey
discredited and crumbling credo of hackneyed acting - where we are no longer effected by your displays of artificial emotion
ancillary hebephrenically foppish affectation - the part of your hackneyed acting (see above) which involves looking like you're having hallucinations
(back to verse 130)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
crusade for unobstructed interpretive crystallization - search for an explanation that will charm the sox off your audience ("audience" perhaps being the cop who pulled you over for drunk driving, or perhaps the father of your girlfriend whom you brought home from the dance two weeks late)
astute differentiation - that which makes one thing different from another, for those who are clever enough to see it; astute refers to one single stute, whereas two or more stutes refer to higher levels of stuteliness
keenly perspicacious care and preparation - the finished product of our wise and sharply intelligent efforts, if we do say so ourselves
(back to verse 131)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
reflection of refractive reverence in the abiding gestation - where the results show that you developed your ideas with the same constantly loving care as if you were having your first baby
sublime and supernally incandescent new powers of lift, levitation and empyrean edification - great spiritual gifts that transport us into a higher sphere
(back to verse 132)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
aerial ascendency - what happens when you sit on a bomb (in a cartoon)
hotly addressing the amendatory alembic of ample amelioration - working hard to make things better
roundly renovative revolution - really turning things around
rescission, rejection and raw renunciation - an effective statement that you've finally had it
(back to verse 133)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
hypocritically invested with an aura that darkly disinclines to discernment, more fully comprehended in hindsight's so conveniently clean and coldly clarifying confirmation - better seen for what it is after it's too late, all because you didn't think deeply enough about what you were doing
(back to verse 134)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
axiomatic prototype - the model which everybody agrees is the right one to follow, regardless of whether it leads us to safety or over a cliff
peak specimen - the best possible example
epitomic, extravagantly eximious exemplification - an example that is far more wonderful than we need it to be
radiant perceptivity - bright and shining powers of insightful observation, as illustrated when your boss yells at you, "Get out of my office right now, and I never want to see your face again!" and your response is, "Does that mean you want me to go?"
inimitable as an instrumental agent of illustration - can't be beat for making things clear
(back to verse 135)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
unpalatably bleak, brambly bromide - a stupid but widely held idea which everyone has heard before
slam-dunk misapprehensive supererogation - doing more than is required, because if you don't, you're afraid you'll be fired from your job, then you'll miss your house payments, and you won't be able to buy food, and then you'll end up on the streets homeless and starving to death
conjecturally extrapolatory exertion in the epexegetical exercise of extemporaneous epistemological expatiation - the bewildering process of trying to figure out who you are and what planet you came from
(back to verse 136)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
archtypically stellar luminosity - a most perfectly outstanding state of clarity and understandability
inductive interpretation - where you observe different things and draw them together toward a general conclusion
definitive (if dreary) delamination of apically pointed pertinence in the empirical indagation - getting right to the heart of your investigation without any beating around the bush or throwing any spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks
(back to verse 137)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
superveniently garish glut of gewgaws and pop slop - the unexpectedly glaring excess of stuff that some people use to support a lifestyle and physical appearance which leads the rest of us to believe that UFO's have landed
hog-wash - the soapy solution you use to wash your giant pig when he's not looking, or the kind of metaphoric slop that pompously academic gas bags like to throw in your face to demonstrate that they don't know what they're talking about
hieratic hot beans and baloney - highly formal but purely pretentious nonsense (hot beans are more serious than ordinary beans)
stress and traumatization of its thorough assimilation - the damage that's done when we actually start to believe what they're telling us
insuperable solicitation - where we just can't keep ourselves from asking for it
(back to verse 138)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
beguiling but also, remember, begriming and bestially imbruting - very tempting, but it will turn you into a wild and filthy animal (not unlike turning you to a life in politics)
inundation and throbbing saturation - feeling overwhelmed and buried up to your eyebrows in a giant, gooey blob that has a frightening heart beat
corrosive and corruptingly invasive salaciousness in a soup of unfiltered sensualization - music that switches your baser animal instincts on and the thinking part of your brain off
(back to verse 139
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
hoi polloi - common folk; salt of the earth; people whose polloi is very hoi
right regular rummy rabble and riffraff - correctly identified as rather unconventional folks who characteristically tend to be disorganized, confused, willfully uneducated, disreputable, and mildly insane
less appreciable, yet no less elysian fields - almost inconceivably beautiful heavenly places where we all want to romp and play like little puppy dogs
(back to verse 140)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
far surpassing infinitude of ineffably blissful and blessing beautification - what you can expect after leaving your body, assuming you've been behaving yourself
sink to wink at seeking a mephitic stink of droning, ham-fisted, supraliminal unsubtilization - where we resist the understandable urge to shoot those so-called musicians, those perveyors of public madness, who aren't just satisfied with wailing and screaming against the deafening blast of electric guitars so loud that birds fall dead from the sky, but now, in order to further whip their audiences into hysterical riots where they often trample each other to death, they seek to out-do each other by biting the heads off of live bats, performing obscene bodily functions and smashing their instruments over each other's heads, all while dancing around as if the floor is on fire - and this is only how they warm themselves up in the green-room before the concert
(back to verse 141)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
great gonzo Gehenna - an inexplicably bizarre state of misery
gullibly green gulosity - where your thoughtles greed leads you to quickly eat everything on the table while your hungry friends watch in disbelief
Sisyphean toil - work that keeps getting undone as soon as you finish it (like cleaning your house, or establishing peace among nations)
well embroidered, for show of competitive servility - made to look more difficult than it was, so you can look more like a slave than you were
heaving thespian sighs - appearing to be thoughtfully cheerful after just finishing a lovely Thanksgiving dinner when a large tree falls into your dining room, crushing your entire family while you happened to be in the kitchen trying to fit the last pumpkin pie onto your plate
globular beads of synthetic perspiration - big round drops of fake sweat
(back to verse 142)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
unbudgeably indulging ourselves - when no one can stop us from doing what we want
engrossments - things that attract and hold all of your attention
entropic indolence - laziness turning into total paralysis
myopic amentia - the condition under which you try to function when you were blessed with a brain that would never allow you to understand things beyond the end of your nose (of course, if you have a very long nose, you can understand more than people with short noses)
really raddled - when your brain suddenly seems a bit smaller, which might explain why it's rolling around inside your head
self-bilked - where you are so good at cheating others that now you have managed to cheat yourself
insouciantly soused in a summative stupefaction that harbors hebetation - so confused and deluded that you don't even care that you've gotten drunk with a special kind of stupidity that fosters its own depth of dim-wittedness
(back to verse 143)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
irredeemably uncouth - being ill-mannered beyond anyone's ability to civilize you (because you can't get your couth back once you've lost all of it)
well-knockably hidebound - when your resistance to changing anything is easy to make fun of
imperviously wayward - so determined to do things wrong that nobody can stop you (except with a big butterfly net)
obscurely synergic - where people don't seem to realize that they're working together like a well-oiled machine
obstinately xylocephalic - stubbornly wooden-headed
doubtlessly obtuse - not the sharpest knife in the drawer, to be sure
apologies to sheep - in case any shepherds might be reading this to their sheep, we don't want the sheep to be offended, no matter how anti-sheep we sound
ovine order of aspiration - having about as much desire for achievement as sheep (that's a compliment to sheep who are too smart to want to join the human rat race)
(back to verse 144)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Verses 145 - 196
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